Everyone is very relaxed, almost too relaxed considering all that still needs to be done. Spinnaker is stuck somewhere in Paris and can’t be located, the water-maker needs to be installed, life-line fixed along the boat, materials are still being loaded and there’s provisioning to be done. All in 2 days!
Day 1. Gorgeous sunny morning in La Rochelle. After checking the menu and everyone’s food preferences, we set off to Carrefour armed with an iPad and the provisioning list (we’d luckily carefully prepared in advance) to stock all the non-perishables. Everything went amazingly smoothly and we’re totally compatible food-wise. No-one drinks milk, not fans of sugar or sweet stuff, for breakfast we’re all müesli-eaters, like spicy food, and all looking forward to sashimi with the fish we’re going to catch en route! (Wasabi and soy sauce? Have.)
Day 2. By midday, water-maker is half-installed, gas bottles bought, stove tested, cabins assigned and food stowed. Still no spinnaker in sight, tanks not filled and decision is made to set off a day later – so as originally planned on 20th November. A pity as would have had perfect wind to follow a direct route, catching a north wind after La Coruna to sail us down south nicely.
We’ll work on getting everything done tomorrow and finally be able to set off.
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